Terms and Conditions

This website and its contents are safeguarded by copyright and other intellectual property rights, exclusively owned and controlled by Feeding the Change. All rights are reserved by Feeding the Change. Feeding the Change name and logo are registered trademarks and may not be copied, reproduced, modified, disseminated, published, or exploited without the prior consent of Feeding the Change. Any unauthorized use of the Feeding the Change name and logo is strictly prohibited. Material and information shared on the Feeding the Change website are protected, and permission must be sought from Feeding the Change before copying any content. If you believe that any information on this site infringes on the copyright of any individual or organization, please contact us.
The information on this site is provided for general purposes only. No part of this site’s reproduction may be sold or distributed for commercial gain, modified, or incorporated into any other work, publication, or site, whether in hard copy or electronic format, without prior consent from Feeding the Change.
Limitation of Liability

The content on this site is believed to be accurate at the time of inclusion. While Feeding the Change endeavors to ensure accuracy, it does not guarantee the currency or accuracy of the content. Feeding the Change is not liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from the use of or reliance on this site or its content.

Feeding the Change reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions. Regularly refer to this page for updates and any new information.

Last updated on January 9, 2024.